Saturday, March 8, 2008

What I Want in a Kitchen

As I page through Ellen's design books (I think she has them all!) I am lured toward a kitchen with all kinds of wild colors that make you sit up and take notice. But mostly I don't want people to walk in and say, "Ooh, look at your kitchen!" I want it to be useful, convenient, and make cooking and cleaning a graceful, elegant dance toward a delicious meal. A place where Alan & I can work together without crashing into each other. A room that will house kids (and grandkids!) and friends and relatives and feel warm and inviting. But mostly I want to cook without having to hold things up to the light to see them, to have enough space to prep without having to stop to reorganize or do dishes, and to be able to find what I need when I need it. Actually, what I really want is a cook, and since Alan has become quite the chef, I want a kitchen HE likes to work in!
The paint swatches on the wall are drying. maybe we'll have a decision soon.

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