Friday, March 14, 2008

Our Contractor is Watching Out for Us

Met with Cam last night to calendar the whole project and figure out what we need to do. Answer: a lot. But if it takes 8 weeks from this Monday, then we'll be done when we get back from Marina's graduation in Prescott beginning of May. And if it takes more like 12 weeks (Murphy's Law) then it will be done when we return from Strawberry beginning of June. Either way, it's all good. Cam is doing a great job of making us feel very safe and secure, and it feels like we're in good hands. And, his daughter homeschools her 2 kids.

Now we are breaking our backs getting everything done, and Alan is getting all the specs together for everything we're ordering, and then tomorrow we go to the beach house to be with the Moses clan for the week. Can't wait to be sitting on the beach instead of packing boxes and lifting furniture.

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