Thursday, May 29, 2008

Why I Haven't Been Blogging

First, work was incredibly busy, what with increasing my hours, learning a new job and learning InDesign and putting out a newsletter, and getting ready for Strawberry.

Then Ethan came home from college, which looks like this:

Because the bedrooms were finished, and all of extra space already had stuff from that part of the house stored in them, he was reduced to having all of his stuff in the laundry/storage area of the music room (clearly a well organized lad), and sleeping on the floor of my office. Which is where I do my blogging.

Then we went to Strawberry, which looked like this:

Way more fun than blogging (though COLD and rainy too).
More soon.


Niki said...

We can't wait until September! My bass lessons are coming along nicely, but trying to figure out how I will play at Strawberry is another story.

Anonymous said...

At last!!! Don't ever leave me hanging in the middle of a story again!!! I"m going to check all my mystery novels and make sure you didn't rip out the last pages!