Monday, May 12, 2008

He Crawls on His Belly Like A Reptile

Alan has been a DIYer (do it yourself) this past month with network cable and stereo connections, taking advantage of the open walls to get conduit going from one end of the house to the other.

He hit a snag this week when the heater vents were installed in the attic space before he made the time to complete the project, blocking the access he'd planned on. Plan B meant climbing into the crawl space as well (as if it weren't creepy enough to climb through the tiny attic), where it's not deep enough to do more than belly crawl under the pipes.

So today Alan was my contractor (dealing with the flooring guy), my IT guy (helping me with new software at work), and my wiring guy. I don't know why he doesn't want to make me dinner too...

And here he is trying to be one of the guys...

Sorry, couldn't resist. At least he's still laughing.
Guess we're having take-our tonight....

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